No.NamaKode LuaranJudul Luaran
1.Sutami Dwi Lestari, M.Pd.P1_2018Deskripsi Kosakata Serapan Bahasa Inggris Dalam Olahraga Sepak Bola
  P1_2019Perancangan Buku Istilah Berbahasa Inggris di Cabang Olahraga Sepakbola (Soccer Term Glossary)
  J1_2019Istilah Berbahasa Inggris di Cabang Olahraga Sepakbola (Soccer Term Glossary)
2.Tri Mulyati, M.Pd.P1_2017Developing Local Culture Based Digital Comic: A Way to Promote Learning Autonomy
  P1_2018Teachers’ Reflection On The Instructional Technology Implementation
  J1_2018Preserving Local Culture Through Digital Comics
L1_2020Analisis Kebutuhan Buku Panduan untuk Guru dalam Merencanakan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Model SMAR
L2_2020A Discriptive Study on The Learning Autonomy In the Midst of Covid 19 Pandemic Online Learning of English Department Students at PGRI University Banyuwangi
3.Wiwin Indiarti, S.S., M.Hum.J1_2017Gelora Muda Lare Osing Digital Native dan Pewarisan Budaya Di Jagat Maya
  J2_2017Nilai-Nilai Pembentuk Karakter Dalam Cerita Rakyat Asal-Usul Watu Dodol
  J1_2019Translation Strategies of Lontar Yusuf Banyuwangi in Bernard Arps Tembang in Two Tradisions: Performances and Interpretation of Javanese Literature
4.Wulan Wangi, M.Pd.J1_2017A Descriptive Study Of Using English Songs In Teaching Listening To Develop Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Tenth Grade Students of IPA 1 of MAN Srono Banyuwangi
  P1_2019Analisis Kemampuan Pengucapan English Diphtongs Pada Siswa Menggunakan Aplikasi Android “English Pronunciation by KEPHAM”
  J1_2019Student’s Error In Prounaouncing Monopthong Vowels
L1_2020The Analysis of Pronunciation Error on English Diphthongs Made By Certified Tour Guides
L2_2020Improving Students Literal Listening Skill Through Text to Speech (TTS) Application
J1_2020Analisis Kesalahan Pengucapan Siswa-Siswi pada English Dipthongs Melalui Aplikasi Android “English Pronunciation by Kepham”
J2_2020The Analysis of Pronunciation Error on English Diphthongs Made By Certified Tour Guides
5.Arin Inayah, M.Pd.J1_2019English Teaching Instruction For Non-English Learners
6.Abdul Halim, M.Ed.J1_2017An Error Analysis of Descriptive Essay of The Fourth Semester Students of English Department PGRI University of Banyuwangi
J1_2020Study of Relationship Between Understanding About National Insights With Attitude and Nationalism Souls In Class VIII Students of State 4 Schools Negara Indonesia
7.Yuli Sugianto, M.Pd.J1_2020The Local Content of English Basic Schools as a Meaning of Preserving and Developing Regional Advantages and Banyuwangi Regional Experiences
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